Hello, Oleg Nazaroff.
On 12/10/23 14:37 you wrote:
The FAQ says: However I've found that you can have 2 points of
the same bossnode. The trick is using point .0 for the uplink of
the second one. - First point, uplink 2:345/678 - Second point,
uplink 2:345/678.0
But it only works from different devices :)
It works for me. This is the second point in my phone, with uplink 2:341/234.0
I've tested a bit more and found that this only works if both points have the same password - when polling the bossnode, it seems it uses the one defined in the main point.
Another issue is, if you use Manage subscription on the second point, the netmails to areafix that it generates are stored in the first point's Outgoing folder, and they are sent via that one. (But it works.)
Personally from one device I have this setting takes out node completely and no mail goes :)
Oh, I hope it didn't break too much and you could restore it... I haven't tried using node addresses.
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