On the 10th day of Hamming, my radio gave to me:
10 Different Wouff Hongs, 9 modes on digital, 8 the Hamfest Start Time,
7 Nights Of Net Logs, 6 Meter Clean Sweep, 5 Band DXCC. Four sets of
antennas, three different radios, two license upgrades, and a license,
callsign from the FCC.
Founded by T.O.M. ("The Old Man", W1AW, Hiram Percy Maxim himself), The
Royal Order Of The Wouff Hong is a "secret society", with the "device"
to be used as a mode of discipline and correction on "lids" (ham radio operators with poor on the air operating habits). No explanation or
details are known on how the discipline, or the mode of discipline, is
to be administered to the miscreant amateur radio operator...but I hear
that "Vaseline is optional" (hi hi).
You must be a paid up ARRL member...either for the current year, or an
ARRL Life Member...to participate; and the initiation ceremony is done
only at ARRL Division or National Conventions.
There are no dues, no officers, and no politics in The Royal Order Of
The Wouff Hong. And, there's nothing degrading or vulgar during the
ceremony. You will do a lot of laughing...plus, all of the participants
get a very nice certificate afterwards. I personally have gone through
it twice, and look forward to doing so again.
As for the laughter; for both the Wouff Hong Ceremony, as was for this net...you better "have an empty bladder", as it were, before the
ceremony starts. While that wasn't my problem, I laughed until I hurt,
and thought I was going to cry...if not wet my pants!! (hi hi).
On the 11th day of Hamming, my radio gave to me:
11 New Harmonics, 10 Different Wouff Hongs, 9 modes on digital, 8 the
Hamfest Start Time, 7 Nights Of Net Logs, 6 Meter Clean Sweep, 5 Band
DXCC. Four sets of antennas, three different radios, two license
upgrades, and a license, callsign from the FCC.
While not all ham radio operators will get married and have a family... especially a large one...and the total of harmonics may be more like one
or two, instead of eleven; the bottom line is that we need to get new
blood into the hobby...to replace those who are leaving the hobby by
either letting their licenses lapse...or they die (becoming Silent Keys).
I've personally been at license exam sessions, as a VE Session Liaison,
as well as an administering VE, where the entire family (father, mother,
and children) have all gotten their Technician Class license in the same day...talk about spreading the happiness around of the new licensees!!
It was truly a joy to sign the CSCE's of the newly licensed family of
Basically, the youth of today are the amateur radio operators of
tomorrow. In short, if we don't replace these operators that are no
longer in the hobby, attrition will kill ham radio...no pun intended.
On the 12th day of Hamming, my radio gave to me:
12 Hours at Field Day, 11 New Harmonics, 10 Different Wouff Hongs, 9
modes on digital, 8 the Hamfest Start Time, 7 Nights Of Net Logs, 6
Meter Clean Sweep, 5 Band DXCC. Four sets of antennas, three different
radios, two license upgrades, and a license, callsign from the FCC.
Always held on the 4th full weekend of June each year, ARRL Field Day
is a chance for ham radio operators to set up portable operations in a
wide variety of locations, running on emergency power for 24 hours,
and to show the public, that truly..."when all else fails, ham radio is
A similar event, known as Winter Field Day, is held during the latter
part of January...usually the last full weekend of the month. Further
details are available at
https://www.winterfielday.com, and on Facebook
That concludes The Triple Play. I hope you've enjoyed it!!
Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)