Hi All!
For windows users
https://brorabbit.g0x.ru/files/win/arclog.cmd (rar used)
https://brorabbit.g0x.ru/files/win/ziplog.cmd (zip used)
Archives and deletes all log files in the LOGSDIR directory.
Places an archive like yyyy.mm.dd.rar in the ARCDIR directory. Deletes
files older than NUMBER months in it.
Çασ¿ó¿απÑΓ ¿ πñá½∩ÑΓ óßÑ Σá⌐½δ ß αáßΦ¿αÑ¡¿¬¼ log ó ñ¿αÑ¬Γ«α¿¿ LOGSDIR.
Å«¼ÑΘáÑΓ áασ¿ó ó¿ñá yyyy.mm.dd.rar ó ñ¿αÑ¬Γ«α¿ε ARCDIR. ôñá½∩ÑΓ ó ¡Ñ⌐ óßÑ
Σá⌐½δ ßΓáαΦÑ NUMBER ¼Ñß∩µÑó.
LOGSDIR - directory with log files.
ñ¿αÑ¬Γ«α¿∩ ß log Σá⌐½á¼¿.
ARCDIR - directory with archive files.
ñ¿αÑ¬Γ«α¿∩ ß Σá⌐½á¼¿ áασ¿ó«ó.
NUMBER - how many months to keep archives. Default is 3.
߬«½∞¬« ¼Ñß∩µÑó σαá¡¿Γ∞ áασ¿óδ. Å« π¼«½τá¡¿ε 3.
á»α¿¼Ñα / For example
arclog.cmd d:\fido\logs d:\fido\logs\arc 5
ziplog.cmd d:\fido\logs d:\fido\logs\arc 2
Have nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.
--- ò«α«Φ« ó«ß»¿Γá¡¡á∩ ªÑ¡Θ¿¡á - ¡Ñ απúáÑΓß∩ ¼áΓ«¼, «¡á ¼áΓ«¼ π¼ÑÑΓ ß¼«ΓαÑΓ∞.
* Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)