I hate to be the bearer of bad news...but, unless you've been under a
rock or in a cave (man caves are not included <G>), you've probably seen
the stories of the possibility of the United States DEFAULTING on its
debt, and breaching the debt ceiling on June 1, 2023.
The Republicans are RIGHTLY saying that "Congress can't keep spending
money like a drunken sailor, wanting a blank check, and with UNLIMITED spending, as if a credit card that gets no balance on it, no matter what
is charged...never expecting to have to pay it back".
Several states, including Arkansas, have a "balanced budget requirement";
but there has never been such a thing in Washington, DC. You know that
neither that, or the prospect of "term limits" will ever see the light of
day, in ANY national government...especially in the US Congress!!
I myself had to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy in late 2009, due to the
mounting medical and credit card debt...but I'm long since discharged
from that, and only have a debit card now. The amount of credit card
debt (never mind student loan debt) is absolutely staggering in their
The Democrats are screaming "the end of benefits for the combination
of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program), and related items".
This debacle, if it occurs, would affect EVERYONE that's elderly, low
income, or disablede...depriving them of funds for medications and the
medical needs/care, food, water, and to pay the various bills for the
utilities (electric, gas, water, phone, vehicular, etc.). Then, they
would also deprive veterans (current and retired) of their well deserved
pay. Yet, they are implying that they would continue to pay the illegal
aliens, so they could "vote Democrat".
This also would affect world financial markets...with trillions, if not quadrillions of dollars in wealth and retirement funds, along with bank
and other savings, being wiped out as well. It would make the financial
crashes of 1929 and 1987 look like "child's play".
While I'm not a veteran (my health was so poor growing up, with poor
eyesight and no arches in my feet, that I never would've passed the
physical exam), I've been fully disabled since mid-2004, and they keep
finding stuff wrong with me (I was diagnosed with congestive heart
failure in spring, 2022).
Yet, Congress WOULDN'T DARE touch their own high salaries or pensions.
This proves that ALL of them...on both sides of the political aisle...
are nothing more than a bunch of greedy, power mad, cowards...with no
clue to what life is like outside the Beltway of Washington, DC. Before
they are elected, they give the voters "the thumbs up". After they get
elected, they give the voters the bird of obscenity -- [Screw] You. And,
the money spent on elections (local, county, state, national), is well
into the trillions (if not quadrillions) of dollars...so they can all
become "lifetime politicians", just like "lifetime US Supreme Court
justices". They lament that they can't survive on $250,000+ a year...
frankly, they don't have a clue!!
What I get on disability does NOT go very far...and if I do NOT get
my disability on June 2, then there's a likelihood that, in VERY SHORT
ORDER, I will disappear forever, online and otherwise...and the BBS
will be shut down. I would have no way to get food, drink, medicine,
or to pay the bills incurred, medical and otherwise.
At that point, I'd be praying VERY HARD for either the Rapture Of
The Church to occur (which will really accelerate things for the
worst across the US and the rest of the world)...or for The Lord to
send a disaster (tornado, earthquake, etc.) to destroy the place
with me inside, or to have a sudden, massive heart attack, while
the BBS is offline.
Not to gloat, and not to sound like "I'm trying to cram a Bible down
folks throats"...but the Scriptures do note that "I glory in The Cross Of Christ, and nothing that I've done"...doing "the one thing God requires";
to repent (change my mind) on my sin, then believe on The Lord Jesus
Christ, who died on The Cross for my sins, and rose from the dead on the
third day, according to the Scriptures. So, I know whether at death, or
at Rapture, I know that Heaven will be my home when I die...and I will
see my late wife and Co-Sysop again, with joy unspeakable...never more
to say goodbye. Her nickname was "Snake"...although she respected them.
Mine was "Gator"...I can do the baby alligator/crocodile distress call;
but you don't want to do that around a gator farm...as they will invite
you for lunch...you'll be the main course!!
I don't know if there will be BBSing in Heaven, but as I heard an
evangelist note once..."Whether it's Chick-Fil-A, golfing, or other things needed in Heaven to make the believers happy...God will make sure that
they are there". As a side note, during the summer months, the peach milk
shake that Chick-Fil-A has, is TO DIE FOR...but if you drink it too fast,
you will get BRAIN AND CHEST FREEZE!! Yet, it is the perfect thing on a
hot summer day.
Basically "all our righteousness is as filthy rags" (literally bloody menstrual cloths) before The Lord...and were it not for what Christ did
for mankind, to provide "God's Free Love Gift", then no one would be
going to Heaven...but instead, to the eternal torment with Satan and his demons...Hell, and The Lake Of Fire. These places were NEVER meant for mankind...but everyone choosing to reject the Gospel, of their own free
will and choice, goes there at death.
Everyone gets at least one chance to hear the Gospel, and God will
NOT force anyone to do "the one thing He requires", as noted above;
in other words, "I am NOT trying to cram a Bible down one's throat".
All God requires the "believers" to do is "plant the seed". Yet, if
the believers ON Jesus (and not just IN Him) are wrong, they won't
lose much when they die. And one day, we'll know who is RIGHT. It is
"God's Free Love Gift" to mankind, as none of us could do anything to
earn or buy it.
And, that's WHY for the Christian doors on the BBS, my policy has
always been that "if you decided to access the items, it's of your
own free will and choice...and what you do with that info is up to
you". Accessing/using them, was NEVER a requirment to stay online,
ever since the BBS came online over 31 years ago now.
There is far more waste in government than all the excrement (urine,
feces, and vomit) produced by every man and beast on the planet Earth.
Yet, the globalist elite want to turn the US into another Cuba, China, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, or other totalitarian like states...
where only those in power benefit...and all of the opposing dissident
peasants are executed (murdered). To me, all these wanting such, need
a one way ticket to these areas...and they will see the hard truth of
these evil regimes. Their heads will likely be "the first to roll" when
such hits this part of the world.
There is a time period coming up after The Rapture Of The Church
(when all true believers on Jesus Christ, dead and alive, will so
quickly disappear (faster than one can blink an eye)), noted in the
Bible as "The Time Of Jacob's Trouble" or "The Tribulation". It will
literally be Hell On Earth for seven years...and if The Good Lord
did not return at the appointed time, then all flesh, man and beast,
on the Earth, would die. The world ruler will literally be Satan
incarnate, and he'll make the regimes of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin
(among others) pale by comparison. Billions will die, whether they
are Christians, Jews, or not.
While the Bible said we would not know the day and hour of the
Rapture, it did say we would know we were "in the season" of The
Lord's Return, and I firmly believe we are there. Folks wondering
what life was like before the worldwide Noahic flood, or life in
Sodom and Gomorrah (before being destroyed by fire), just need to
"take a look around".
The Lord certainly has far more patience than I do...but I feel
that His Patience is rapidly being exhausted. God has always been a
Gentleman, and He will give those who want nothing to do with Him,
exactly what they want one day. But, many of these also detest the
fact that "it's God's Creation, and His Rules".
While I've enjoyed my hobbies of the BBS, amateur radio, and
square dancing for over 30 years, I've always known that they
could not go on forever. Yet, this earthly life is "temporary"...
eternity is far longer...and folks need to plan now for it. You
can go to
http://www.wx4qz.net/s00.htm to see how you can "Get
A Free Gift". I can tell you that "Going Through The Motions",
won't cut it...and that the majority of the world and mankind
want nothing to do with Biblical Christianity...but again, it is
your choice on what to do with "God's Free Love Gift".
Tomorrow, let alone the next 5 seconds, is promised to no one.
And, while I'm on medication for congestive heart failure, I have
no way of knowing if I'll be raptured, or will die beforehand (in
my sleep, or otherwise (I also have severe sleep apnea). If the
BBS is down for severe storms, and a tornado comes through...or
if a major earthquake occurs (the New Madrid Fault runs right
through central Arkansas, but it'll be worse for Memphis and St.
Louis), and the structure is destroyed with me in it...the BBS and
I will be no more. If you see a story on the news that much of the
city of Little Rock was destroyed in a tornado or earthquake, there
is a possibility that I and the BBS were destroyed in it.
I don't like to be "the bearer of bad news", but this is the
harsh reality facing America. The Republicans did their part of
the responsibility of the debt ceiling, but the Democrats want
nothing to do with that...only wanting another "blank check" and
"unlimited credit card". In the parable of the talents in the Bible,
Jesus Christ excused NO ONE from both personal responsibility and accountability...whether in matters that are sacred, or secular.
Network Sysops who want to disconnect and ban me from their
networks because of this post, are welcome to do so. I run the
BBS for my benefit, and for those who enjoy using it...because
they want to...not because they have to.
Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, Sysop, The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)