From Martin Kazmaier@618:300/50 to All on Sun Dec 1 00:00:00 2024
    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Looking for an easy to navigate non-stock system? Here's your

    EleBBS Win/32 Running 20130208.d Binaries 20 Nodes. SSH, Telnet,
    FTP, NNTP, HTTPS and E-Mail.

    Around 100 Door Games, including but not limited to:

    Local Games: Shadow Board, Leech, Virtual Sysop, BBS Simulator, Hack
    'n Attack, Usurper, Door MUD, Dungeon Master, LORD, LORD2: Complete
    New World, Planets TEOS, Hackers: Cyber City, Mechwars, Netrunner,
    Operation Overkill II (10 Maps!), Yankee Trader (5 Games!), The Pit,
    Melee, Enigma of Ashrella, Enhanced D&D, Ambroshia the Test of Time,
    Mines of Gorr, Legion, Wordle, Lands of Devastation, Sudoku, Magislots, TitanSlots, Darkness 2.0, Chess Magic, Stick Man, Galactic Dynasty 2, SpaceQuest 2112 GameServer, Tradewars 2002 via BBSLink, Lemonade Stand,
    Another Day at the Races, Word Warp, Chain Reaction, New Age Doors,
    Stack 'em and Funky Jewel Master as well as a few adult titles and More!

    League10 Games (10:3/18): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo!, Tournament
    Blackjack, Internet Blackjack, Tournament Freecell, Booby Trap, Hot
    Dice, Flip Flop, Jewel Thief, Lady Luck, Line Up, Knight's Move, Video
    Bandit, Poker Bandit, Tri-Bingo, Mega slots, 8 way slots, Zombie slots,
    Lore, Arrow Bridge, Arrow Bridge II and Clans.

    Micronet Games (618:300/50): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo! Blackjack and
    Freecell, Global War & Iron Ox as well as Mega, 8ways and Zombie Slots.

    FSXNet Games (21:2/148): For Honour, Galactic Dynasty and Barren Realm

    Local messages, anime and BBS related. NNTP Message access, ArakNet,
    FSXNet, TQWNet, SFNet, League10, Fidonet, FU-Net, USENET and Micronet
    messages. Email, Telnet, IRC and MRC support.

    Anime and BBS files areas available via FTP for best experience, with
    anonymous access.

    telnet to shsbbs.net (port 23)
    ssh shsbbs.net (login: "bbs" password: "shsbbs", port 22 (Netrunner is
    now supported for this; it uses an out-dated cipher.))
    Secure Websocket connections available at shsbbs.net:8080
    Hub for all of the below is available at https://shsbbs.net
    ftelnet web portal: https://shsbbs.net/bbs.html
    News Server: nntp://shsbbs.net
    FTP Server: ftp://shsbbs.net
    (ftp allows anonymous access (uploads requires login), USENET access is
    open (posting requires login), without binaries.)
    EleWEB: https://shsbbs.net/loginy.htm (Files and Messages, no Games or
    private messaging).

    Anime radio stations at:
    Shoutcast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8883/stream; IceCast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8443/stream

    SpaceQuest 2112 Game Server: telnet://shsbbs.net:2112

    Streaming video at: https://shsbbs.net/video.html (Most browsers don't
    support this.) or https://shsbbs.net:8843/shurato.ogg from VLC.
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Martin Kazmaier@618:300/50 to All on Sun Dec 8 00:00:02 2024
    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Looking for an easy to navigate non-stock system? Here's your

    EleBBS Win/32 Running 20130208.d Binaries 20 Nodes. SSH, Telnet,
    FTP, NNTP, HTTPS and E-Mail.

    Around 100 Door Games, including but not limited to:

    Local Games: Shadow Board, Leech, Virtual Sysop, BBS Simulator, Hack
    'n Attack, Usurper, Door MUD, Dungeon Master, LORD, LORD2: Complete
    New World, Planets TEOS, Hackers: Cyber City, Mechwars, Netrunner,
    Operation Overkill II (10 Maps!), Yankee Trader (5 Games!), The Pit,
    Melee, Enigma of Ashrella, Enhanced D&D, Ambroshia the Test of Time,
    Mines of Gorr, Legion, Wordle, Lands of Devastation, Sudoku, Magislots, TitanSlots, Darkness 2.0, Chess Magic, Stick Man, Galactic Dynasty 2, SpaceQuest 2112 GameServer, Tradewars 2002 via BBSLink, Lemonade Stand,
    Another Day at the Races, Word Warp, Chain Reaction, New Age Doors,
    Stack 'em and Funky Jewel Master as well as a few adult titles and More!

    League10 Games (10:3/18): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo!, Tournament
    Blackjack, Internet Blackjack, Tournament Freecell, Booby Trap, Hot
    Dice, Flip Flop, Jewel Thief, Lady Luck, Line Up, Knight's Move, Video
    Bandit, Poker Bandit, Tri-Bingo, Mega slots, 8 way slots, Zombie slots,
    Lore, Arrow Bridge, Arrow Bridge II and Clans.

    Micronet Games (618:300/50): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo! Blackjack and
    Freecell, Global War & Iron Ox as well as Mega, 8ways and Zombie Slots.

    FSXNet Games (21:2/148): For Honour, Galactic Dynasty and Barren Realm

    Local messages, anime and BBS related. NNTP Message access, ArakNet,
    FSXNet, TQWNet, SFNet, League10, Fidonet, FU-Net, USENET and Micronet
    messages. Email, Telnet, IRC and MRC support.

    Anime and BBS files areas available via FTP for best experience, with
    anonymous access.

    telnet to shsbbs.net (port 23)
    ssh shsbbs.net (login: "bbs" password: "shsbbs", port 22 (Netrunner is
    now supported for this; it uses an out-dated cipher.))
    Secure Websocket connections available at shsbbs.net:8080
    Hub for all of the below is available at https://shsbbs.net
    ftelnet web portal: https://shsbbs.net/bbs.html
    News Server: nntp://shsbbs.net
    FTP Server: ftp://shsbbs.net
    (ftp allows anonymous access (uploads requires login), USENET access is
    open (posting requires login), without binaries.)
    EleWEB: https://shsbbs.net/loginy.htm (Files and Messages, no Games or
    private messaging).

    Anime radio stations at:
    Shoutcast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8883/stream; IceCast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8443/stream

    SpaceQuest 2112 Game Server: telnet://shsbbs.net:2112

    Streaming video at: https://shsbbs.net/video.html (Most browsers don't
    support this.) or https://shsbbs.net:8843/shurato.ogg from VLC.
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Martin Kazmaier@618:300/50 to All on Sun Dec 15 00:00:00 2024
    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Looking for an easy to navigate non-stock system? Here's your

    EleBBS Win/32 Running 20130208.d Binaries 20 Nodes. SSH, Telnet,
    FTP, NNTP, HTTPS and E-Mail.

    Around 100 Door Games, including but not limited to:

    Local Games: Shadow Board, Leech, Virtual Sysop, BBS Simulator, Hack
    'n Attack, Usurper, Door MUD, Dungeon Master, LORD, LORD2: Complete
    New World, Planets TEOS, Hackers: Cyber City, Mechwars, Netrunner,
    Operation Overkill II (10 Maps!), Yankee Trader (5 Games!), The Pit,
    Melee, Enigma of Ashrella, Enhanced D&D, Ambroshia the Test of Time,
    Mines of Gorr, Legion, Wordle, Lands of Devastation, Sudoku, Magislots, TitanSlots, Darkness 2.0, Chess Magic, Stick Man, Galactic Dynasty 2, SpaceQuest 2112 GameServer, Tradewars 2002 via BBSLink, Lemonade Stand,
    Another Day at the Races, Word Warp, Chain Reaction, New Age Doors,
    Stack 'em and Funky Jewel Master as well as a few adult titles and More!

    League10 Games (10:3/18): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo!, Tournament
    Blackjack, Internet Blackjack, Tournament Freecell, Booby Trap, Hot
    Dice, Flip Flop, Jewel Thief, Lady Luck, Line Up, Knight's Move, Video
    Bandit, Poker Bandit, Tri-Bingo, Mega slots, 8 way slots, Zombie slots,
    Lore, Arrow Bridge, Arrow Bridge II and Clans.

    Micronet Games (618:300/50): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo! Blackjack and
    Freecell, Global War & Iron Ox as well as Mega, 8ways and Zombie Slots.

    FSXNet Games (21:2/148): For Honour, Galactic Dynasty and Barren Realm

    Local messages, anime and BBS related. NNTP Message access, ArakNet,
    FSXNet, TQWNet, SFNet, League10, Fidonet, FU-Net, USENET and Micronet
    messages. Email, Telnet, IRC and MRC support.

    Anime and BBS files areas available via FTP for best experience, with
    anonymous access.

    telnet to shsbbs.net (port 23)
    ssh shsbbs.net (login: "bbs" password: "shsbbs", port 22 (Netrunner is
    now supported for this; it uses an out-dated cipher.))
    Secure Websocket connections available at shsbbs.net:999
    Hub for all of the below is available at https://shsbbs.net
    ftelnet web portal: https://shsbbs.net/bbs.html
    News Server: nntp://shsbbs.net
    FTP Server: ftp://shsbbs.net
    (ftp allows anonymous access (uploads requires login), USENET access is
    open (posting requires login), without binaries.)
    EleWEB: https://shsbbs.net/loginy.htm (Files and Messages, no Games or
    private messaging).

    Anime radio stations at:
    Shoutcast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8883/stream; IceCast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8443/stream

    SpaceQuest 2112 Game Server: telnet://shsbbs.net:2112

    Streaming video at: https://shsbbs.net/video.html (Most browsers don't
    support this.) or https://shsbbs.net:8843/shurato.ogg from VLC.
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Martin Kazmaier@618:300/50 to All on Sun Dec 22 00:00:10 2024
    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Looking for an easy to navigate non-stock system? Here's your

    EleBBS Win/32 Running 20130208.d Binaries 20 Nodes. SSH, Telnet,
    FTP, NNTP, HTTPS and E-Mail.

    Around 100 Door Games, including but not limited to:

    Local Games: Shadow Board, Leech, Virtual Sysop, BBS Simulator, Hack
    'n Attack, Usurper, Door MUD, Dungeon Master, LORD, LORD2: Complete
    New World, Planets TEOS, Hackers: Cyber City, Mechwars, Netrunner,
    Operation Overkill II (10 Maps!), Yankee Trader (5 Games!), The Pit,
    Melee, Enigma of Ashrella, Enhanced D&D, Ambroshia the Test of Time,
    Mines of Gorr, Legion, Wordle, Lands of Devastation, Sudoku, Magislots, TitanSlots, Darkness 2.0, Chess Magic, Stick Man, Galactic Dynasty 2, SpaceQuest 2112 GameServer, Tradewars 2002 via BBSLink, Lemonade Stand,
    Another Day at the Races, Word Warp, Chain Reaction, New Age Doors,
    Stack 'em and Funky Jewel Master as well as a few adult titles and More!

    League10 Games (10:3/18): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo!, Tournament
    Blackjack, Internet Blackjack, Tournament Freecell, Booby Trap, Hot
    Dice, Flip Flop, Jewel Thief, Lady Luck, Line Up, Knight's Move, Video
    Bandit, Poker Bandit, Tri-Bingo, Mega slots, 8 way slots, Zombie slots,
    Lore, Arrow Bridge, Arrow Bridge II and Clans.

    Micronet Games (618:300/50): Falcons Eye, The Arcadian Legends, Barren
    Realms Elite, InterLORD, LORDNet, Tournament Wahoo! Blackjack and
    Freecell, Global War & Iron Ox as well as Mega, 8ways and Zombie Slots.

    FSXNet Games (21:2/148): For Honour, Galactic Dynasty and Barren Realm

    Local messages, anime and BBS related. NNTP Message access, ArakNet,
    FSXNet, TQWNet, SFNet, League10, Fidonet, FU-Net, USENET and Micronet
    messages. Email, Telnet, IRC and MRC support.

    Anime and BBS files areas available via FTP for best experience, with
    anonymous access.

    telnet to shsbbs.net (port 23)
    ssh shsbbs.net (login: "bbs" password: "shsbbs", port 22 (Netrunner is
    now supported for this; it uses an out-dated cipher.))
    Secure Websocket connections available at shsbbs.net:999
    Hub for all of the below is available at https://shsbbs.net
    ftelnet web portal: https://shsbbs.net/bbs.html
    News Server: nntp://shsbbs.net
    FTP Server: ftp://shsbbs.net
    (ftp allows anonymous access (uploads requires login), USENET access is
    open (posting requires login), without binaries.)
    EleWEB: https://shsbbs.net/loginy.htm (Files and Messages, no Games or
    private messaging).

    Anime radio stations at:
    Shoutcast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8883/stream; IceCast Secure: https://shsbbs.net:8443/stream

    SpaceQuest 2112 Game Server: telnet://shsbbs.net:2112

    Streaming video at: https://shsbbs.net/video.html (Most browsers don't
    support this.) or https://shsbbs.net:8843/shurato.ogg from VLC.
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Sean Dennis@618:618/1 to Martin Kazmaier on Sun Dec 22 18:38:46 2024

    Hello Martin!

    22 Dec 24 00:00, you wrote to all:

    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Please post your BBS ads in MIN_BBSADS, thanks!

    -- Sean

    ... "The first duty of love is to LISTEN." - Paul Tillich
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
  • From Shurato@618:300/50 to Sean Dennis on Sun Dec 22 17:22:00 2024

    * In a message originally to Martin Kazmaier, Sean Dennis said:

    Hello Martin!

    22 Dec 24 00:00, you wrote to all:

    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Please post your BBS ads in MIN_BBSADS, thanks!

    I was told (by you I think) to put them here. I'll add min_bbsads. I didn't know there was such an echo.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,999) (ssh login 'bbs' password 'shsbbs')

    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Shurato@618:300/50 to Sean Dennis on Sun Dec 22 17:27:00 2024

    Hello Martin!

    22 Dec 24 00:00, you wrote to all:

    Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS

    Please post your BBS ads in MIN_BBSADS, thanks!

    areafix isn't working for me. I can't add that echo.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,999) (ssh login 'bbs' password 'shsbbs')

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)
  • From Sean Dennis@618:618/1 to Shurato on Sun Dec 22 21:29:09 2024
    Hello Shurato!

    22 Dec 24 17:27, you wrote to me:

    areafix isn't working for me. I can't add that echo.

    Once again, talk to your hub, NOT ME. I have nothing to do with your areafix.

    -- Sean

    ... Be careful what you eat at Sam & Ella's Diner.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
  • From Sean Dennis@618:618/1 to Shurato on Sun Dec 22 21:29:58 2024
    Hello Shurato!

    22 Dec 24 17:22, you wrote to me:

    I was told (by you I think) to put them here. I'll add min_bbsads. I didn't know there was such an echo.

    I sent out a message to everyone on December 11th about MIN_BBSADS and then a personal message to you in MIN_ADMIN on December 15. I suhhest you check your mail more often or at the very least read MIN_ADMIN...

    === Cut ===
    = MIN_ADMIN (618:618/1) =======================================================
    Msg : 174 of 214
    From : Sean Dennis 618:618/1 11 Dec 24 13:30:59
    To : All
    Subj : New echo =============================================================================== Hello everyone,

    I have added a new echo to the backbone: MIN_BBSADS.

    If you are posting your BBS ads in MIN_GENAN, please post them to
    MIN_BBSADS instead.

    All hubs have been connected to the echo here.

    Thank you!

    -- Sean

    ... I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know.
    --- MultiMail/Linux
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Home of the Iron Fist! (618:618/1)
  • From Shurato@618:300/50 to Sean Dennis on Sun Dec 22 19:56:00 2024

    Hello Shurato!

    22 Dec 24 17:22, you wrote to me:

    I was told (by you I think) to put them here. I'll add min_bbsads.
    didn't know there was such an echo.

    I sent out a message to everyone on December 11th about MIN_BBSADS and then a personal message to you in MIN_ADMIN on December 15. I
    suhhest you check your mail more often or at the very least read MIN_ADMIN...

    === Cut === = MIN_ADMIN (618:618/1) ======================================================= Msg : 174 of
    214 From : Sean Dennis 618:618/1 11 Dec 24 13:30:59 To : All Subj
    : New echo ========================================================================== ==== Hello everyone,

    I have added a new echo to the backbone: MIN_BBSADS.

    If you are posting your BBS ads in MIN_GENAN, please post them to MIN_BBSADS instead.

    All hubs have been connected to the echo here.

    Thank you!

    -- Sean

    Sorry, I haven't received a new message in the admin echo since february.

    I sent a netmail to rick smith about connecting me to that echo.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,999) (ssh login 'bbs' password 'shsbbs')

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (618:300/50)